An art of academic Writing using LaTex
Why use LaTex?
Installation in Windows or Mac or Linux
Structure and hands on using Overleaf
LaTeX is pronounced “lay-tech” or “lah-tech,” not “la-teks.”
LaTeX is a document preparation system for high-quality typesetting.
LaTeX is most often used to produce technical or scientific documents, but it can be used for almost any form of publishing.
Why Use LaTex?
Designed by academics and easily accommodates academic use.
Professionally crafted predefined layouts make a document really look as if “printed.”
Mathematical symbols and equations are easily integrated.
Even complex structures such as footnotes, references, table of contents, and bibliographies can be generated easily.
Forces author to focus on logical instead of aesthetic structure of a document.
Creates more beautiful documents.
Portable, compatible, flexible, versatile, and cheap (or free)!
Install the following 2 software in your system.
Link to download-
Texmaker 5.0.4 or later vesion
Link to download -
Follow the installation tutorial video:
For Windows OS -
For Mac OS -
The format of a document is pretty simple.
–In the preamble
–In the front matter
–In the body
–In the back matter
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\title{Machine Learning for Healthcare }
\author{R.K. Mishra }
\date{July 2021}
•You specify your document class.
–Document classes: letter, article, report, book, slides(beamer, prosper)
•Backslash – at the beginning of text markup command
–Packages: numerous packages are available
In the Front Matter
In the Body
To begin a new section
Similarly, \subsection{}, \subsubsection{}, \subsubsubsection{}
LaTeX does automatic numbering. If you don’t like it, use section*{}
\emph{}, \textbf{}
\singlespacing, \doublespacing, \onehalfspacing
\centering or \begin{centering} & \end{centering}
\begin{quote} & \end{quote}
` ’, `` ’’ for quatations
Mathematical Equations
Math always in between $ & $
Alternatively, \begin{equation} & \end{equation}
$ 1+4=5 $
\frac{}{}, \sqrt{}, \sum_{k=1}^{n}
^{}, _{}
\greek letters (e.g. \alpha or \Alpha)
Creating a 4*3 Table
\caption{Summary of Conclusions from Diagnostic Tests}
& Macropartisanship & Consumer Sentiment & Presidential Approval\\
Joint F test & $d=1$ & $d=1$ & $d=0$\\
VR test & $0<d\leq1$ & $d=1$ & $0<d\leq1$ \\
\title{Write title here}
\author{Ram Krishn Mishra and Author 2 \corauthref{cor1}}
\address{Department, BITS Pilani Dubai Campus, Dubai, UAE}
\corauth[cor1]{Corresponding author: email; Tel: +971-55-282 5679; Fax: 512-259-7395}
Latex is not a word processor. It encourage the authors to concentrate more on the content itself than the appearances. How the paragraph are created. How to end a line. How to provide in different lines.
% For new line, use \\ or \newline
Here, we can also discuss about the comments (Cnt T and Cnt U). How to comment and uncomment a line which will be very useful in debugging. Will also detail about the special characters or reserved characters.
% #$%^&_{}~\
How to provide subscript and superscript.\\
$a^{x}$ and $a_{x}$
How to provide horizontal and vertical spaces?
%\hspace{15pt} and \vspace{15pt}
How to use color text?
%\textcolor{blue}{Type in color}
How to chage font size at a particular place.
%{\tiny Tiny text}
%{\huge Huge text}
% similarly experiment with scriptsize, footnotesize, normalsize, large, Large, LARGE, huge, Huge etc
How to write in bold, italics, underline etc?
\textit{Type in italics}
\textbf{Type in bold}
\underline{Text in underline}
\underline{\textit{\textbf{Text in bold italics and underline}}}
What is enumerate and itemize?
\item aaaa
\item [--] aaaa
\item [--] bbaa
\item [--] aaaa
\item [--] bbaa
\item [$\ast$] bbbb
%Also you can use
%\item aaaa
%\item bbaa
%\item bbbb
%For pagebreak, \pagebreak
%For new page, \newpage
Use $Equation here$. The equation in \$ cannot be refereed in text. This is particularly used inside the text. Or we can use:
Write single equation here.
% Note inside the begin equation, $$ will not be activated. Hence use only one.
% Try these commands inside the equation mode. \hat{x}, \tilde{x},\dot{x} begining. The can introduce to the symbol box of latex.
% Try these commands inside the equation mode. x^a, x_{b}, x^{ab}_c, \sum_{i=0}^{n},\frac{•}{•}, \frac{\partial}{\partial t}x, \frac{d}{dt}\dot{y} seperately.
Also what happens if you add * in the equation? and its refered as Equation \ref{ea} and Equation \ref{et}
%%%%%%%%%%%% Practice equation %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
ln A_{H}=-3.512+0.904 M_{w}-1.328ln\sqrt{r^2+\left[0.149.e^{(0.647 M_{w})}\right]^2}
\sigma_{ln A_{H}}=
O_t= α_0+α_1 O_(t-1 )+ α_2 O_(t-2 )+ α_3 O_(t-p )+ β_1 V_(t-1) + β_2 V_(t-2) +⋯ β_3 V_(t-p)+ε_t
All these are written inside begin and end equation. Try to explore more about equation array (eqnarray), vertical align (align).
Insert Figure
\section{Insert Figures}
How to include figures from an example.
% try the h (at same loc) ,t b, H (Puts at the same point), !t, !h, !b alignment.
Insert Table
\section{Create Table}
How to insert tables?
Two ways. \\
1. Direct way \\
1 & 2 & 3 & 3 \\
5 & 6 & 7 & 3 \\ \hline
8 & 9 & 10 & 3 \\
2. Indirect way is to insert the table as image. For that we have to use the package graphicx
\caption{Parameter matrix considered for the study} \includegraphics[width=1.0\columnwidth]{Tables/Prototype_model_Details.pdf}