An art of academic Writing using LaTex


  • Introduction

  • Why use LaTex?

  • Installation in Windows or Mac or Linux

  • Structure and hands on using Overleaf

  • Conclusion


  • LaTeX is pronounced “lay-tech” or “lah-tech,” not “la-teks.”

  • LaTeX is a document preparation system for high-quality typesetting.

  • LaTeX is most often used to produce technical or scientific documents, but it can be used for almost any form of publishing.

Why Use LaTex?

  • Designed by academics and easily accommodates academic use.

  • Professionally crafted predefined layouts make a document really look as if “printed.”

  • Mathematical symbols and equations are easily integrated.

  • Even complex structures such as footnotes, references, table of contents, and bibliographies can be generated easily.

  • Forces author to focus on logical instead of aesthetic structure of a document.

  • Creates more beautiful documents.

  • Portable, compatible, flexible, versatile, and cheap (or free)!


Install the following 2 software in your system.

  • MiKTeX

Link to download-

  • Texmaker 5.0.4 or later vesion

Link to download -

  • Follow the installation tutorial video:

For Windows OS -

For Mac OS -

Installation Not Required: Overleaf

•Overleaf is a collaborative cloud-based LaTeX editor used for writing, editing and publishing scientific documents

•It is quite similar to google docx etc.

The format of a document is pretty simple.

In the preamble



In the front matter


In the body


In the back matter


Let us Start with OverLeaf


Login using Gmail

Create New Project



\title{Machine Learning for Healthcare }

\author{R.K. Mishra }

\date{July 2021}





You specify your document class.

Document classes: letter, article, report, book, slides(beamer, prosper)


Backslash – at the beginning of text markup command

Packages: numerous packages are available




In the Front Matter








In the Body

To begin a new section


Similarly, \subsection{}, \subsubsection{}, \subsubsubsection{}

LaTeX does automatic numbering. If you don’t like it, use section*{}

\emph{}, \textbf{}

\singlespacing, \doublespacing, \onehalfspacing

\centering or \begin{centering} & \end{centering}



\begin{quote} & \end{quote}

` ’, `` ’’ for quatations

Mathematical Equations

Math always in between $ & $

Alternatively, \begin{equation} & \end{equation}

$ 1+4=5 $

\frac{}{}, \sqrt{}, \sum_{k=1}^{n}

^{}, _{}

\greek letters (e.g. \alpha or \Alpha)

Creating a 4*3 Table


\caption{Summary of Conclusions from Diagnostic Tests}




& Macropartisanship & Consumer Sentiment & Presidential Approval\\


Joint F test & $d=1$ & $d=1$ & $d=0$\\

VR test & $0<d\leq1$ & $d=1$ & $0<d\leq1$ \\






\title{Write title here}

\author{Ram Krishn Mishra and Author 2 \corauthref{cor1}}

\address{Department, BITS Pilani Dubai Campus, Dubai, UAE}

\corauth[cor1]{Corresponding author: email; Tel: +971-55-282 5679; Fax: 512-259-7395}



Latex is not a word processor. It encourage the authors to concentrate more on the content itself than the appearances. How the paragraph are created. How to end a line. How to provide in different lines.

% For new line, use \\ or \newline

Here, we can also discuss about the comments (Cnt T and Cnt U). How to comment and uncomment a line which will be very useful in debugging. Will also detail about the special characters or reserved characters.

% #$%^&_{}~\

How to provide subscript and superscript.\\

$a^{x}$ and $a_{x}$

How to provide horizontal and vertical spaces?

%\hspace{15pt} and \vspace{15pt}

How to use color text?

%\textcolor{blue}{Type in color}

How to chage font size at a particular place.

%{\tiny Tiny text}

%{\huge Huge text}

% similarly experiment with scriptsize, footnotesize, normalsize, large, Large, LARGE, huge, Huge etc

How to write in bold, italics, underline etc?

\textit{Type in italics}

\textbf{Type in bold}

\underline{Text in underline}

\underline{\textit{\textbf{Text in bold italics and underline}}}


What is enumerate and itemize?


\item aaaa


\item [--] aaaa

\item [--] bbaa


\item [--] aaaa

\item [--] bbaa

\item [$\ast$] bbbb


%Also you can use


%\item aaaa

%\item bbaa

%\item bbbb


%For pagebreak, \pagebreak

%For new page, \newpage



Use $Equation here$. The equation in \$ cannot be refereed in text. This is particularly used inside the text. Or we can use:


Write single equation here.


% Note inside the begin equation, $$ will not be activated. Hence use only one.

% Try these commands inside the equation mode. \hat{x}, \tilde{x},\dot{x} begining. The can introduce to the symbol box of latex.




% Try these commands inside the equation mode. x^a, x_{b}, x^{ab}_c, \sum_{i=0}^{n},\frac{•}{•}, \frac{\partial}{\partial t}x, \frac{d}{dt}\dot{y} seperately.





Also what happens if you add * in the equation? and its refered as Equation \ref{ea} and Equation \ref{et}

%%%%%%%%%%%% Practice equation %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%


ln A_{H}=-3.512+0.904 M_{w}-1.328ln\sqrt{r^2+\left[0.149.e^{(0.647 M_{w})}\right]^2}



\sigma_{ln A_{H}}=


O_t= α_0+α_1 O_(t-1 )+ α_2 O_(t-2 )+ α_3 O_(t-p )+ β_1 V_(t-1) + β_2 V_(t-2) +⋯ β_3 V_(t-p)+ε_t





All these are written inside begin and end equation. Try to explore more about equation array (eqnarray), vertical align (align).

Insert Figure

\section{Insert Figures}

How to include figures from an example.

% try the h (at same loc) ,t b, H (Puts at the same point), !t, !h, !b alignment.








Insert Table

\section{Create Table}

How to insert tables?

Two ways. \\

1. Direct way \\



1 & 2 & 3 & 3 \\

5 & 6 & 7 & 3 \\ \hline

8 & 9 & 10 & 3 \\



2. Indirect way is to insert the table as image. For that we have to use the package graphicx



\caption{Parameter matrix considered for the study} \includegraphics[width=1.0\columnwidth]{Tables/Prototype_model_Details.pdf}





